TT World Congress France 2022

Saturday, 24. September 2022 - 9:00 to Sunday, 25. September 2022 - 18:00
1. Meldeschluss: 
Monday, 30. May 2022
TT Weltkongress
60 Rue des Buttes
60600 Agnetz

Dear Tibetan Terrier clubs and enthusiasts,

In the hope it will be maintained, we are pleased to announce than the 15th TT World Congress will take place in Agnetz the 24 to 25 september 2022. With the hope, that by then we will all be able to travel safely.

We will get back to you with the program of this event and all the useful informations for your stay.

While waiting that we could meet around our  breed passion and friendship in good health and safety, we wish you a wonderfull Seasons Greetings.

With our most sincere greetings.

The organizing commitee.

Veranstalter:  Club des Chiens Tibétains de France (CCTF) i.e. the French Tibetan Breeds Club
under the aegis of the Société Centrale Canine (SCC) i.e. the French Kennel Club.

Anmeldung: Sabine Schiratti, 5 rue de Bellevue, 45340 Chambon la Forêt, Email

Näheres siehe Einladung und Programm im Anhang.